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Un profesional despiadado

A veces parece que el zorro urbano no tuviera nada que ver con los zorros que viven en libertad en los bosques. Mientras que segundo está considerado en algunos países una plaga y es perseguido; al primero se le anima a entrar en el jardín dejando en el cubo de la basura un suministro interminable de comida.

¿Por qué hay opiniones tan dispares acerca de esta pequeña criatura peluda? La diferencia se reduce simplemente a tener gallinas o no. Para quien se dedica a la cría de gallinas, el zorro es un enemigo depredador más que un animal de foto. El zorro urbano es aún más descarado cazando que los zorros silvestres que habitan en los bosques, debido a que está acostumbrado a la libertad que la ciudad le ofrece, sin la presencia de otros depredadores que estén a su nivel.

¿Qué comen los zorros aparte de gallinas y pollos?
Foxes eat a wide range of things from mammals and birds to insects, worms and vegetables. There is an increasing problem with foxes in urban areas scavenging for food in dustbins. You should avoid leaving anything tempting lying around for the foxes, even fruit that has fallen from trees and spilt bird food will alert them to a potential feeding site.

Unfortunately foxes don\'t just kill for hunger\'s sake. Whole flocks of chickens have been destroyed by one fox, even though it probably only ate one of them.

Tell-tale signs
Scraped damage to your lawn. Foxes will scratch up grass to find tasty bug and beetle morsels.
Droppings containing lots of berries or pips.
Screaming in the late evening and night. The sound of a fox can be unnerving as it sounds similar to a childlike scream.

Your chickens!
It is great to let your chickens out of the run as often as possible, but if you suspect any fox activity make sure that you only let them out when you are around. The fox will not approach if he senses human activity.

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